lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

By: Victor Alfonso Baez De La Rosa, Daniela Contreras And Diana Basoria.  Group: 110
                           Exams this week
There will be exams on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12, so go studying to answer them well and not fail.
       There is no furniture in classrooms unless

Students are sometimes left without chairs and tables because they themselves destroy the furniture, and the COBAT not afford to pay.

                     Group Desintegration

One of the 108,109 and 110 groups will disintegrate to only stay 2 since the end of the course many students flunk and maybe stop studying at the institute.

                                                  Day of the Dead

November 2 there was an altar in the living dead in the Cobat
audiovisual room, made by students in the morning shift.

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

COBAT 07 celebrates 25 years of opening its doors to students very well qualified and give them a better future.